Wednesday, February 10, 2021 Charleston County Library

CHARLESTON, S.C. – Whether you are just starting a career, looking for a different one, or looking to advance in your present career, you can use labor market information to develop an effective job search strategy.  Many jobs are filled before they are advertised but understanding the labor market information can help your tap into hidden job markets to find your dream job. Focus your job search by learning which industries are growing and what skills you have that are currently in demand.

While the sheer volume of labor market information can sometime seem overwhelming, there are 3 key pieces of data you should focus on when searching for work. They are:  Advertised Job Data, Occupational Wage Data and Projected Occupational Growth.

First, advertised job data shows a statewide and regional overview of the type of jobs employers are seeking to fill.  This data is frequently updated by SC DEW  and its workforce partners. You can always remain informed about changes in hiring trends.

Second, occupational wage data provides up-to-date information on the salaries paid for a wide array of jobs across the state. Information on the wages paid, broken down by entry-level, median, and experienced salaries, can give a job seeker an advantage when it comes to negotiating a salary for a new job or for a future raise. Occupational wage data also will ensure that your job choice or career path will provide a financially healthy and stable future. You can find this information on SC Works, SCDEW and locally on websites such as the Charleston Regional Development Alliance for Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties. The Business Intelligence Department (BID) collects, analyzes, and disseminates this data in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor’s  Bureau of Labor Statistics  (BLS).

Finally, projected occupational growth over the next two to ten years allows you to job search with confidence, focusing on occupations and industries that are primed to expand well into the future.  Occupational, industry, and labor force data can be found at SC Works Online and the  South Carolina Department of Commerce.

For free public access to computers and tools to guide in the employment search process, job seekers can visit any Charleston County Public Library open for in-person services or access the job-seeking tools page on our website, Let Us Help: Resources for Employment, Small Business, Finances, and More.  Additionally, our library staff can provide information on how to access materials and instructions for conducting a job search at the SC WORKS website, filing for unemployment at the SC DEW Website and information on where to locate SC Works Centers if they need more in-depth assistance with their job search.

With a little bit of practice and self-patience, you will be ready to take on the next steps in your future career.  If you would like more information about how to apply for jobs online, assistance in finding resources, tips on how to get the job-hunting process started or more, please reach out to us at CCPL by email, chat, or text. Remember, you are not alone.