Strokovni doprinos 16. Kongresa športa za vse v času korone. (Slovenian)

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  • Author(s): Berčič, Herman
  • Source:
    Revija Šport; 2022, Vol. 70 Issue 1/2, p115-119, 5p
  • Additional Information
    • Alternate Title:
      Expert contribution of the 16th "sport for all" congress in the corona period. (English)
    • Abstract:
      Between 26 and 27 November 2021 Ljubljana hosted the 16th sport recreation congress, named "Sport for All". The circumstances and the conditions of the congress were similar to those during the previous one that had been entirely shaped by the corona-virus epidemic. The plenary (central) part of the congress was mostly conducted online so that lecturers presented the selected topics to the attendees through e-communication. Contentwise, the lectures were related to the main topic of the congress, entitled "Innovative ways of encouraging exercise". Important expert topics discussed during the congress included introduction, monitoring and evaluation of physical and motor development of adults and elderly people - "SLOfit adults". This is undoubtedly a step forward and will be helpful in management of sport recreation programmes and/or physical/motor activities of the abovementioned group of people. The highlighted topic was again the linking of the medical and sports professions in the integration of the population into different preventive and physical/sport activities during the epidemic. Other contributions and programmes, tailored to the epidemic conditions, were also presented. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      V Ljubljani je bil 26. in 27. 11. 2021 izveden že 16. Kongres športne rekreacije oz. športa za vse. Okoliščine in pogoji, v katerih je potekal navedeni kongres, so bili podobni kot na prejšnjem kongresu, ki ga je v celoti krojila epidemija koronavirusa. Večina plenarnega (osrednjega) dela kongresa je potekala po spletu, tako da so posamezni predavatelji poslušalcem oz. navzočim predstavili izbrane teme s pomočjo tovrstne komunikacije. Vsebinsko so bile povezane z osrednjo temo kongresa z naslovom »Inovativni načini spodbujanja vadbe«. Med pomembnimi strokovnimi obravnavami na kongresu je bil tematski del namenjen uvajanju, spremljanju in vrednotenju telesnega ter gibalnega razvoja odraslih in starejših - »SLOfit odrasli«. To je vsekakor korak naprej in pomoč pri vodenju programov športne rekreacije oz. gibalnih/športnih dejavnosti navedene skupine ljudi. Znova je bila naglašena povezanost medicinske in športne stroke pri vključevanju prebivalstva v različne preventivne oz. gibalne/športne dejavnosti tudi v času epidemije. Predstavljeni pa so bili še drugi prispevki in programi, prilagojeni epidemičnim razmeram. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
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